wooden deck with grass and brick overlooking a sunny city

We’ve posted a lot of material about decks. Designing, building, extending, and remodeling them. Furthermore, we’ve discussed the merits of various building materials. In brief; there’s very little ground we haven’t covered in our posts. We’ve probably noted the obvious fact that accessibility is a key design criterion. French doors come to mind. After all, … Read more


finished deck extended into comfortable backyard

There are two ways a homeowner ends up with a deck that’s not spacious enough. One is by purchasing a home with an existing deck.  The buyer may even know up front the deck’s too small, but likes the house.   Then, there are the homeowners who  add decks to their homes. Life, of course, is … Read more


wooden deck with grass and brick overlooking a sunny city

A great many clients of ours lead very active, full lives. Two-paycheck households, career ambitions, children, civic involvement and so forth. Leisure hours (such as may be!) are, therefore, for leisure. Some people consider dabbling in home improvement projects leisure. A hobby. In our experience, however, most homeowners shopping at  Home Depot are motivated by … Read more


sunny and warm wooden deck

Decks are fair game for remodeling projects, like any element of a home or yard. Time passes, the sun and rain take their toll. So does use. Even when a deck is in perfect condition, homeowners can’t help thinking of improvements and upgrades. We all love our homes, of course,  and want them at their … Read more


wooden deck with grass and brick overlooking a sunny city

Hot tub! Southern California. What’s one without the other? Each whispers the other’s name. It’s a match made wherever perfect matches are made. After all, we get an average only 36 rainy days in a year. Temperatures are mild. Outdoor living is our way of life. And manners are casual. Decks and hot tubs, California … Read more

Multi-Level Decks in LA

wooden deck with grass and brick overlooking a sunny city

As Los Angeles area deck builders, we’re seeing more and more clients who want to take it to the next level.  Our designers are totally into it.  Multi-level decks very neatly address three kinds of practical matters.  One, adaptation to sloping or hilly lots. Secondly, increasing floor space with the same footprint. Finally, enhancing the … Read more

Trex Decking in LA

trex decking curving around a swimming pool

On March 30, 1995, three inventors filed an application for a United States patent. Messrs. Gustafsson, Muller, and Wittenberg claimed to have invented a novel way to make a unique “…wood/thermoplastic composite material…”. The Patent Office reviewed the application. They granted US Patent #5746958 three years later, in May 1998. Trex decking came into our … Read more

Ipé Decking in LA

wooden deck with grass and brick overlooking a sunny city

IPÉ Firstly, let’s get the pronunciation out of the way. Ipé is pronounced “eee-pay”. Good to know, since ipé is a fantastic deck building material. Ipé decking is not, however, for all decks and all clients. Those who like it, love it. MG Construction & Decks is a master Ipé installer, so we’re proud to … Read more


wooden deck with grass and brick overlooking a sunny city

In  Part One of this walk through a deck project, the Los Angeles deck builder and client reached full and informed agreement on the design and costs. Both parties signed a contract with full hearts and confidence. Before any building can begin, however, there are codes and regulations to comply with. PERMITS A typical consumer’s first … Read more


wooden deck with grass and brick overlooking a sunny city

Deck or patio? Of course, we know they’re different, decks and patios. But how different? What’s the big deal? They’re flat, solid, outdoor platforms. We can put furniture and fixtures on them. They both make it possible to enjoy our outdoor space without getting our feet in the dirt. The main difference between a deck … Read more