downstairs deck seating area with stairs and plants

In Southern California, of course, our incomparable climate and terrain beg us to live out of doors. Hence, our yards are very much a part of our home’s living space. There are, after all, plenty of outdoor upgrades that make those spaces more attractive and more functional. Pools, pergolas, outdoor kitchens, to name a few. … Read more


large wooden deck beneath palm trees

Choosing deck materials is a very personal matter. Hence, there’s no “best material” that’s best for all clients. Each material has it’s unique properties. It’s own set of trade-offs. By analogy, a new Korean compact SUV is the best choice for one driver, a temperamental restored 1946 British sports car for another.  After all, people … Read more


pergola on a backyard wooden deck

The word “pergola” came down to us from the late Latin “pergula,” and to Spanish as “la pérgola,” and all three refer to the same thing. A pergola was a great thing in Roman times and is today, too. Useful, versatile, economical, sturdy, and when adequately styled and accessorized, very easy on the eyes. The essentials … Read more


broad wooden backyard deck overlooking a sunny city

A place apart from the frantic world, out of doors but sheltering. Secluded, though not barricaded. Comforting and comfortable.  A tract of peace, away from it all. An oasis. The word and the idea come down to us from the caravan trade routes through the vast deserts of Arabia and the Sahara, but homeowners in … Read more