How Much Does Deck Remodeling Cost?

A deck is a perfect way of adding value to your property while creating the perfect outdoor retreat at your home. If you have an existing deck, remodeling can really lift it up and give it a brand new look. This is particularly true for older decks. While deck replacement or a new deck can set you back a tidy buck, deck remodeling is a more budget-friendly option. Here is a cost estimate of various aspects of deck remodeling.

Costs of a Simple Refinish

For most homeowners, deck remodeling usually comprises of a new finish. A new finish, when done right, will effectively give you deck an all new look and feel. The average deck size is around 300 to 400 square feet. For a deck this size, a new finish costs around $1,000 to $2,000. You can choose a stand-out stain, fresh paint or simply a sealer to refinish the deck.

If the deck also has damaged portions, you may need to have them replaced. This is going to cost you extra. If the damage is minor, you can have it covered within the $1,000 range. If the deck has extensive rotting or decay, you will need to shell out more. There’s a point where the damage is so great that instead of a repair and refinish, you would be better off by instead opting for a complete remodel or an all-new deck.

Costs of Full-Scale Deck Remodeling

If you looking for a full-scale deck remodeling, be ready for steeper costs. This first involves the removal of the previous decking and then having new materials installed in its place. The removal alone will cost around $3,000 to $4,000 as it involves a significant effort.

Once the previous material is removed, you have to choose the new material you want for the decking. The choices are virtually endless – you can choose from lumber, cedar, redwood or from the huge variety of composite materials. Each comes with its own price tag, so the actual deck remodeling at this scale will depend on the materials you choose and the size of your deck.

Composite materials are typically in the range of $8 to $10 per square feet. Cedar and treated lumber are cheaper at under $5 per square foot. Brazilian hardwood is more costly at around $23 per square foot.

Deck Remodeling Factors to Keep in Mind

Ultimately, the actual cost of a deck remodeling project depends on a handful of important factors. These are the size of your deck, the extent of the remodel and the materials you use for refinish, repair and replacement. It also depends on whether you intend to add any new features such as pergolas, plants, hot tubs and railings. It is best to carefully plan the remodel and estimate the costs before you begin the project.

If you’re thinking about adding a deck to your property, your planning should take into account ROI variables. Materials, size, access, and the “wow factor” all contribute to a prospective buyer’s perception of the value added by a deck to the property. It’s worth becoming familiar with deck construction in the comparable properties in your area so you can position yours where you want to be value-wise. Another value relationship to consider is that between your deck budget and the overall value of the property. It doesn’t make ROI dollars and sense to build something too grand for the size and likely resale price of the home. One rule of thumb used by contractors and architects is that a deck should be no larger than the home’s biggest interior space. 

Keep in mind, too, that adding value to your home gets the attention of the assessor and the underwriter, so your property taxes and insurance premiums are like to be increased. Like anything else built by human beings, a deck will inevitably require some maintenance and/or repair as time goes by. Good choices of materials, with expert design and construction, are the ticket to keeping those costs down and your enjoyment and ROI up.