Saltwater vs. Freshwater Pools: Which One is Best?

Hot summers can only be made livable with cool relaxing dips in the pool. But pools are not always straightforward. When it comes to pools, there are many options to choose from. These options range from size, shape, design, etc. One of the biggest decisions you have to make is installing a saltwater or freshwater pool.

Each type has advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider all the factors before deciding. In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of saltwater and freshwater pools so you can determine which one is best for you.

What are Saltwater Pools?

Saltwater pools are swimming pools that use dissolved salt to create a chlorine-free pool environment. A saltwater chlorinator system is installed in the pool, which uses electrolysis to break down the salt into chlorine, disinfecting and cleaning the pool water.

The chlorine is then returned to salt, making it a self-sustaining cycle. Saltwater pools offer many advantages over traditionally chlorinated pools, including lower maintenance costs, less skin and eye irritation, and a softer, silkier feel to the water. 

The saltwater pool requires very little maintenance compared to a traditional chlorine pool. All you need to do is add salt periodically, usually once or twice a year. Unlike chlorine, salt does not evaporate, so the levels remain relatively stable.

What are Fresh Water Pools?

Freshwater pools are just as they sound, using fresh water instead of salt water. In this type of pool, chlorine is added to the water to keep it clean and free from bacteria and other contaminants.

Chlorine is a chemical that kills germs, bacteria, and other living organisms, making it ideal for swimming pools. The water must be checked regularly to ensure the correct amount of chlorine is being added and the pH levels are correct.

The pool must also be regularly vacuumed to remove debris and bacteria from the surface. Freshwater pools can come in different shapes and sizes, allowing for a lot of versatility in design and style. They are relatively low maintenance and easy to manage, making them an ideal choice for many homeowners.

Saltwater Vs. Freshwater Pools Pros and Cons

There are several factors to consider when deciding between a saltwater pool and a freshwater pool. While both types of pools provide a great way to relax and cool off during the hot summer months, each has its unique benefits and drawbacks. 

Saltwater Pools Pros

Saltwater pools use significantly less chlorine than traditional freshwater pools, meaning you don’t have to regularly buy and add chlorine to the pool. This is great for people who may be sensitive to chlorine or have allergies. Saltwater pools are gentler on your skin and eyes and are generally easier to maintain. 

Saltwater Pools Cons

Saltwater pools require higher concentrations of salt to work properly, which can be damaging to plants and other landscaping around the pool. Additionally, saltwater pools are more expensive to install and require more energy than freshwater pools due to the need for additional equipment like a salt chlorinator. 

Freshwater Pools Pros

Freshwater pools are less expensive to install and maintain than saltwater pools. They also don’t require additional equipment, such as a salt chlorinator, making them easier to care for. Additionally, since freshwater pools use chlorine, they are generally better for keeping algae and bacteria at bay. 

Freshwater Pools Cons

Freshwater pools require more frequent addition of chlorine to maintain the proper pH level, which can be time-consuming and expensive. Additionally, many people find that chlorine irritates their skin and eyes. Overall, when it comes to deciding between a saltwater pool and a freshwater pool, it depends on your individual needs and preferences. Saltwater pools are great for those sensitive to chlorine or who want an easier-to-maintain pool. However, freshwater pools may be the better option for those on a budget who want an effective way to keep their pool free of algae and bacteria.