6 Landscape Design Ideas That Can Add Value to Your Home

When thinking of ways to increase your home’s value, you might forget to consider what’s outside the house. That’s right – we’re talking about landscaping. A recent study found that well-landscaped homes have a 5.5 percent to 12.7 percent price advantage over homes with no landscaping. Even if you aren’t putting your house up for sale anytime in the near future, you can still invest in some landscaping to add style and personality to your outdoor space and elevate the overall look of your home. Here are six landscape design ideas that can increase the value of your home.

Maintain the Lawn

The first and easiest thing you can do to spruce up the look of your yard and increase the value of your home is to maintain the lawn. Mow the grass regularly, set up a fertilization schedule, and make sure you keep it watered.

Speaking of watering, another simple solution for yard maintenance is to install an irrigation system. Automatic drip systems and in-ground sprinkler systems are each designed to distribute a specified amount of water on a regular schedule.

Plant Some Trees

Not only does planting trees add significant value to your home, it’s one of the only investments you can make that doesn’t depreciate over time but grows in value. Keep in mind that it can take three to eight years for a tree to grow to a mature size. Not only do trees increase the value of your home, but they can create a beautiful ambiance and add to the scenery. Furthermore, the Southern California weather is perfect for cacti, which can greatly appreciate over time.

Light it Up

One of today’s most desirable landscaping features is landscape lighting. Well-planned lighting can accentuate outdoor design elements and illuminate the outside of the house while improving home security. Pathway lights can provide an element of safety while highlighting your yard and illuminating your space. Solar and LED lights will help drive the cost – and your electric bill – down.  

Add an Outdoor Living Space

If you’re looking to make a grand investment in your outdoor space, consider installing a living area, such as a kitchen, pool, patio with a fire pit, deck, or pergola. Any of these can elevate the ambiance of your landscape, provide a nice space for guests, and increase the home’s value.  

Work on the Walkway

Whether you’re selling your home or just making some upgrades, the walkway is part of anyone’s first impression of your home. If potential buyers are stopping by for walkthroughs, the walkway and entrance are the first things they’ll see, and whether they’re aware of it or not, these elements will paint a picture of your home’s interior in their mind. Similarly, guests who visit your home for the first time will also get their first impression from the walkway.

Adding illumination and planting flowers are a couple of simple ways to beautify your walkway. If you’re installing a walkway, consider creating a winding one with small hedges and plants on either side for an elegant, whimsical appearance.

Increase Privacy

Having a sense of privacy at home is comforting for those living there and a feature many potential homebuyers look for when touring houses. Ironically, large windows are another central selling point, but the more windows a home has and the larger they are, the easier it is to see inside, especially at night.

A natural solution for increasing privacy outside of the home is through thoughtfully designed landscaping. One simple and versatile way to achieve this is by planting some fortress-style hedges for fencing and some soft, glossy-leaved barrier shrubs outside of windows.